var AutoEd_baseurl = '';
if (location.protocol === 'https:') {
  AutoEd_baseurl = '';
mw.loader.load(AutoEd_baseurl + 'core2.js'); //Imports the "framework" script needed to make this function

//Sets variable configuration - Linter fixes 
autoEdTag2 = "Fix ] obsolete tag errors. "; //Tweaks edit summary
autoEdLinkName2 = "AutoEd center"; //Changes the link name at the top of the page
autoEdLinkHover2 = "Run AutoEd to fix Linter center tag errors"; //When user hovers over link
//Set up function
function ReplaceTags(str) { //function to replace center tags
//These do not work
//  str = str.replace(/(^\|)\<center\>(\s*)(\n\|)/gmi, '$1\{\{center\|1\=$2\}\}$3');  //center tag without end as table cell on its own line
//  str = str.replace(/(^\|)\<center\>(+)(\n\|)/gmi, '$1\{\{center\|1\=$2\}\}$3');  //center tag without end as table cell on its own line

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(\+:]+)(\]\])\<\/center\>/gi, '$1\|center$2'); //Image: or File: wrapped in center tags, with no wikilinks in the caption

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(+)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');  //center tag with plain text inside
  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(\s*\<ref\>.+?(?=\<\/ref\>)\<\/ref\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}'); //center tag with ref inside; ".+?" means any character until what follows the ?; the ?= piece shows the string to stop at and exclude from the match

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(+\s*\<ref\>.+?(?=\<\/ref\>)\<\/ref\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');  //center tag with plain text and then ref inside

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(*\s*\<ref name\=\"*+\"*\>.+?(?=\<\/ref\>)\<\/ref\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');  //center tag with optional text and then named ref inside

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(*\<ref name\=\"*+\"*\s*\/\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');  //center tag with optional plain text and then self-closed ref inside

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(\s*\<span .+?(?=\<\/span\>)\<\/span\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}'); //center tag with span inside; ".+?" means any character until what follows the ?; the ?= piece shows the string to stop at and exclude from the match

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(+\<br *\/*\>+)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');   //br tag inside of center tags, with text on either side

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(*\+\]\]*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');   //Plain wikilink inside of center tags, with optional text on either side

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(*\s*\+\|+\]\]\s**)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');   //Piped wikilink inside of center tags, with optional text on either side

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(\s*\+\]\]\<ref\>.+?(?=\<\/ref\>)\<\/ref\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');   //Plain wikilink with ref inside of center tags

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>(\s*\+\|+\]\]\<ref\>.+?(?=\<\/ref\>)\<\/ref\>\s*)\<\/center\>/gi, '\{\{center\|1\=$1\}\}');   //Piped wikilink with ref inside of center tags

  str = str.replace(/\<center\>\<gallery\>/gi, '\<gallery class\=\"center\"\>');   //gallery tags
  str = str.replace(/\<\/gallery\>\<\/center\>/gi, '\<\/gallery\>');   //gallery tags

  //fix center template with span tag (equals sign in span tag hides content)
  str = str.replace(/({\{center\|)(*\<span)/gi, '$1 1\=$2'); 
  str = str.replace(/{\{center\| +1\=/gi, '{\{center\|1\='); 

  //delete empty center tag pairs
  str = str.replace(/<center><\/center>/gi, '');   

  return str;
function autoEdFunctions2() { //Activates individual modules when "auto ed" tab is clicked
    var txt = document.editform.wpTextbox1;
    txt.value = ReplaceTags(txt.value);