* WhereWikimediansLive
* Permet de s'ajouter à la ].
* Auteur : ]
* {{Projet:JavaScript/Script|WhereWikimediansLive}}
var _wwlMessages = {
'fr': {
'wwl-button-edit': 'Modifier mon marqueur',
'wwl-button-remove': 'Supprimer ma position',
'wwl-button-add': 'Ajouter ma position',
'wwl-dialog-remove-title': 'Voulez-vous vraiment retirer votre position ?',
'wwl-dialog-remove-message': 'L\'information restera cependant disponible dans l\'historique. Si vous souhaitez que les informations soient également retirées de l\'historique, contactez un masqueur par e-mail à l\'adresse [email protected].',
'wwl-dialog-remove-button-cancel': 'Annuler',
'wwl-dialog-remove-button-delete': 'Supprimer',
'wwl-form-button-add': 'Ajouter',
'wwl-form-link-new-translation': 'Ajouter une description dans une autre langue',
'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-title': 'Mes wikis',
'wwl-form-fieldset-descriptions-title': 'Présentation',
'wwl-form-button-save': 'Enregistrer',
'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-text': 'Sélectionnez votre projet Wikimédia principal, choisissez votre langue, puis cliquez sur "Ajouter". Répétez l\'opération pour les autres projets auxquels vous participez.',
'wwl-form-description-placeholder': 'Présentez-vous en quelques mots.',
'wwl-notify-success-add': 'Votre position a été ajoutée sur la carte !',
'wwl-notify-success-edit': 'Vos informations ont correctement été modifiées sur la carte.',
'wwl-notify-success-remove': 'Votre position a été retirée de la carte.',
'wwl-notify-wait': 'Enregistrement en cours, veuillez patienter. En fonction de votre configuation, cette étape peut durer jusqu\'à 1 minute.',
'wwl-notify-error-get': 'Impossible de récupérer les données sur Commons.',
'wwl-notify-error-save': 'Une erreur est survenue lors de l\'enregistrement des informations sur Commons.',
'en': {
'wwl-button-edit': 'Edit my marker',
'wwl-button-remove': 'Delete my position',
'wwl-button-add': 'Add my position',
'wwl-dialog-remove-title': 'Are you sure you want to remove your position? ?',
'wwl-dialog-remove-message': 'The information will however remain available in the history. If you want the information also to be removed from the history, contact a masker by e-mail at [email protected].',
'wwl-dialog-remove-button-cancel': 'Cancel',
'wwl-dialog-remove-button-delete': 'Remove',
'wwl-form-button-add': 'Add',
'wwl-form-link-new-translation': 'Add a description in an other language',
'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-title': 'My wikis',
'wwl-form-fieldset-descriptions-title': 'Description',
'wwl-form-button-save': 'Save',
'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-text': 'Select your main Wikimedia project, choose your language and click "Add". Repeat for the other projects you contribute to.',
'wwl-form-description-placeholder': 'Present yourself in a few words.',
'wwl-notify-success-add': 'Your position has been successfully added to the map!',
'wwl-notify-success-edit': 'Your information has been correctly modified on the map.',
'wwl-notify-success-remove': 'Your position has been removed from the map.',
'wwl-notify-wait': 'Saving in progress. Please, be patient, it may take up to 1 minute.',
'wwl-notify-error-get': 'Unable to retrieve data from Commons.',
'wwl-notify-error-save': 'An error occurred while registering Commons information.',
if ( $( '#wwl-map' ).length ) {
mw.loader.using( , function() {
// Initialize all neaded vars
var kartoBox = mw.loader.require( 'ext.kartographer.box' ),
api = mw.config.get( 'wgWikiID' ) === 'commonswiki' ? new mw.Api() : new mw.ForeignApi( 'https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/api.php' ),
localApi = new mw.Api(),
username = mw.config.get( 'wgUserName' ),
userLanguage = mw.config.get( 'wgUserLanguage' ),
allLanguages = {},
dropdownLanguages = ,
currentWiki = {
'dbname': mw.config.get( 'wgDBname' ),
'langcode': null,
'sitecode': null,
siteMatrix = {
//multilingual wikis
'wiki': { label: 'Wikipedia', name: 'Wikipedia', data: 'wiki', shortcode: 'w', color: '#ACFA58', sites: },
'wiktionary': { label: 'Wiktionary', name: 'Wiktionary', data: 'wiktionary', shortcode: 'wikt', color: '#F4FA58', sites: },
'wikibooks': { label: 'Wikibooks', name: 'Wikibooks', data: 'wikibooks', shortcode: 'b', color: '#e2cc8a', sites: },
'wikinews': { label: 'Wikinews', name: 'Wikinews', data: 'wikinews', shortcode: 'n', color: '#575ff9', sites: },
'wikiquote': { label: 'Wikiquote', name: 'Wikiquote', data: 'wikiquote', shortcode: 'q', color: '#57f9b9', sites: },
'wikisource': { label: 'Wikisource', name: 'Wikisource', data: 'wikisource', shortcode: 's', color: '#FAAC58', sites: },
'wikiversity': { label: 'Wikiversity', name: 'Wikiversity', data: 'wikiversity', shortcode: 'v', color: '#cecece', sites: },
'wikivoyage': { label: 'Wikivoyage', name: 'Wikivoyage', data: 'wikivoyage', shortcode: 'voy', color: '#f957ba', sites: },
//monolingual wikis
'meta': { label: 'Meta', name: 'Meta', data: 'meta', shortcode: 'm', color: '#D358F7' },
'commons': { label: 'Wikimedia Commons', name: 'Wikimedia Commons', data: 'commons', shortcode: 'c', color: '#58ACFA' },
'wikidata': { label: 'Wikidata', name: 'Wikidata', data: 'wikidata', shortcode: 'd', color: '#FA5858' },
'species': { label: 'Wikispecies', name: 'Wikispecies', data: 'species', shortcode: 'species', color: '#339650' },
'mediawiki': { label: 'MediaWiki', name: 'MediaWiki', data: 'mediawiki', shortcode: 'mw', color: '#ffffc8' },
// Get initial datas
function getData() {
api.get( {
action: 'query',
prop: 'revisions',
rvprop: ,
titles: 'Data:Wikimedians.map',
formatversion: '2',
} ).fail( function( data ) {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-error-get' ) , { autoHide: false, title: 'WhereWikimediansLives', type: 'error' } );
console.log( 'WhereWikimediansLive: Failed to fetch initial datas from Commons.' );
console.log( data );
} ).then( function( data ) {
content = JSON.parse( data.query.pages.revisions.content );
$.each( content.data.features, function( key, userInfos ) {
if ( userInfos.username === username ) {
var projects = ;
$.each( userInfos.data, function( project, langs ) {
$.each( langs, function( _, lang ) {
projects.push( { project: project, lang:lang } );
} );
} );
userData = {
lat: userInfos.geometry.coordinates,
lng: userInfos.geometry.coordinates,
projects: projects,
descriptions: userInfos.properties.description,
return false;
} );
return localApi.get( {
action: "sitematrix",
format: "json",
formatversion: 2
} );
} ).then( function( data ) {
$.each( data.sitematrix, function( key, lang ) {
if ( key !== 'specials' && key !== 'count' ) {
allLanguages = {
'name': lang.name,
'localname': lang.localname,
$.each( lang.site, function( _, site ) {
if ( site.private !== true && site.closed !== true && site.fishbowl !== true ) {
siteMatrix.sites.push( {
'data': lang.code,
'dbname': site.dbname,
'label': lang.localname
} );
if ( site.dbname === currentWiki.dbname ) {
currentWiki.langcode = lang.code;
currentWiki.sitecode = site.code;
if ( lang.code === userLanguage ) {
siteMatrix.label = site.sitename;
} );
} );
if( currentWiki.sitecode === null ) {
$.each( data.sitematrix.specials, function( _, site ) {
if ( site.dbname === currentWiki.dbname ) {
currentWiki.sitecode = site.code;
return false;
} )
if ( currentWiki.langcode === null ) {
currentWiki.langcode = 'en';
$.each( siteMatrix, function( _, project ) {
if ( project.sites !== undefined ) {
for( var i = 0; i < project.sites.length; i++ ) {
if ( project.sites.label === undefined ) {
project.sites.splice( i, 1 );
project.sites.sort(function(a,b) { return ( a.label.toLowerCase() > b.label.toLowerCase() ) ? 1 : ( ( b.label.toLowerCase() > a.label.toLowerCase() ) ? -1 : 0 ); } );
} );
$.each( allLanguages, function( code, langInfos ) {
if ( langInfos.localname !== undefined ) {
dropdownLanguages.push( { data: code, label: langInfos.localname } );
} );
dropdownLanguages.sort(function(a,b) { return ( a.label.toLowerCase() > b.label.toLowerCase() ) ? 1 : ( ( b.label.toLowerCase() > a.label.toLowerCase() ) ? -1 : 0 ); } );
} );
// Add the buttons at the bottom of the page
function addButtons() {
var buttonContainer = $( '#wwl-buttons' );
if ( buttonContainer.length === 0 ) {
buttonContainer = $( '<div id="wwl-buttons" class="wwl-default-buttons" >' );
$( '#wwl-map' ).after( buttonContainer );
if ( userData !== undefined ) {
var editButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-button-edit' ),
icon: 'settings',
title: 'Edit',
} );
editButton.on( 'click', function() {
editButton.setDisabled( true );
} );
var removeButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-button-remove' ),
icon: 'remove',
title: 'Remove',
} );
removeButton.on( 'click', function() {
} );
buttonContainer.append( editButton.$element );
buttonContainer.append( removeButton.$element );
} else {
var addButton = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( {
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-button-add' ),
icon: 'add',
title: 'Add',
} );
addButton.on( 'click', function() {
addButton.setDisabled( true );
} );
buttonContainer.append( addButton.$element );
function openRemoveDialog() {
var messageDialog = new OO.ui.MessageDialog();
var windowManager = new OO.ui.WindowManager();
$( 'body' ).append( windowManager.$element );
windowManager.addWindows( );
windowManager.openWindow( messageDialog, {
title: mw.msg( 'wwl-dialog-remove-title' ),
message: mw.msg( 'wwl-dialog-remove-message' ),
size: 'medium',
actions: [ {
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-dialog-remove-button-cancel' ),
action: 'cancel'
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-dialog-remove-button-delete' ),
action: 'delete',
flags: 'destructive'
} ).then( function( opened ) {
opened.then( function( closing, data ) {
if ( data && data.action == 'delete' ) {
} );
} );
function openMap() {
var lat, lng, zoom;
if ( userData === undefined ) {
// Get the coordinates of the map
lat = $( '#wwl-map .mw-kartographer-map' ).attr( 'data-lat' );
lng = $( '#wwl-map .mw-kartographer-map' ).attr( 'data-lon' );
zoom = $( '#wwl-map .mw-kartographer-map' ).attr( 'data-zoom' );
} else {
lat = userData.lat;
lng = userData.lng;
zoom = 12;
if ( map === undefined ) {
// Create the map
map = kartoBox.map( {
container: $( '#wwl-map' ).empty().css( {
height: 500
} ),
center: ,
zoom: zoom,
alwaysInteractive: true,
//allowFullScreen: true, //TODO: allow full screen selection-map
} );
// Prepare the popup
if ( userData !== undefined ) {
marker.setLatLng( ).addTo( map ).openPopup();
function generateGeoJSON( lat, lng, descriptions, wikis, color ) {
return {
"type": "Feature",
"properties": {
"marker-size": "small",
"marker-color": color,
"marker-symbol": "circle-stroked",
"title": '<div style="margin-bottom: 5px;">' + username + '</div>',
"description": descriptions
"geometry": {
"type": "Point",
"coordinates": [
parseFloat( lng ),
parseFloat( lat )
"username": username,
"data": wikis
function createForm() {
// Initialise all widgets and fieldsets
var projectDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownInputWidget( { classes: , options: Object.keys( siteMatrix ).map( function ( key ) { return siteMatrix; } ) } ).setValue( currentWiki.sitecode ),
projectLangDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownInputWidget( { classes: , options: ( siteMatrix.sites !== undefined ? siteMatrix.sites : siteMatrix.wiki.sites ) } ).setValue( currentWiki.langcode ),
addWikiButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-button-add' ), flags: } ),
allWikisMultiselect = new OO.ui.TagMultiselectWidget( { allowArbitrary: true, allowEditTags: false, allowDuplicates: false, inputPosition: 'none' } ),
descriptionLangDropdowns = ,
descriptionInputs = ,
addDescriptionLink = new OO.ui.ButtonWidget( { framed: false, flags: , label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-link-new-translation' ) } ),
wikisFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( { label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-title' ), classes: } ),
descriptionsFieldset = new OO.ui.FieldsetLayout( { label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-fieldset-descriptions-title' ), classes: } ),
saveButton = new OO.ui.ButtonInputWidget( { label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-button-save' ), flags: } );
// Add the widgets in the fieldsets
wikisFieldset.addItems( [
new OO.ui.FieldLayout(
new OO.ui.Widget( { content: [ new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout( {
} ) ]
} ),
label: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-fieldset-wikis-text' ),
align: 'top'
] );
descriptionsFieldset.addItems( [
] );
// Managing the addition of new descriptions
function addDescriptionWidgets( lang, description ) {
lang = lang || 'en';
description = description || '';
var descriptionLangDropdown = new OO.ui.DropdownInputWidget( { options: dropdownLanguages, classes: } ).setValue( lang );
var descriptionInput = new OO.ui.TextInputWidget( { placeholder: mw.msg( 'wwl-form-description-placeholder' ), multiline: true, value: '', classes: } ).setValue( description );
descriptionsFieldset.addItems( [
new OO.ui.Widget( {
content: [ new OO.ui.HorizontalLayout( {
} ) ]
} ),
], descriptionsFieldset.getItemCount() - 1 );
descriptionLangDropdowns.push( descriptionLangDropdown );
descriptionInputs.push( descriptionInput );
if ( userData !== undefined ) {
$.each( userData.descriptions, function( lang, description ) {
addDescriptionWidgets( lang, description.split( '<div class="wwl-projects">' ).replace( '<br>', '\n' ) );
} );
$.each( userData.projects, function( _, wiki ) {
allWikisMultiselect.addTag( wiki.project + ',' + wiki.lang, wiki.lang + wiki.project );
} );
else {
// Manage the differents interactions and events with the widgets
projectDropdown.on( 'change', function( project ) {
projectLangDropdown.setOptions( ( siteMatrix.sites !== undefined ? siteMatrix.sites : siteMatrix.wiki.sites ) ).setValue( currentWiki.langcode );
} );
addWikiButton.on( 'click', function() {
allWikisMultiselect.addTag( projectDropdown.getValue() + ',' + projectLangDropdown.getValue(), projectLangDropdown.getValue() + projectDropdown.getValue() );
} );
addDescriptionLink.on( 'click', addDescriptionWidgets );
saveButton.on( 'click', function() {
saveButton.setDisabled( true );
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-wait' ) );
var wikis = {},
descriptions = {},
wikisDescription = '',
$.each( allWikisMultiselect.getValue(), function( key, wiki ) {
wiki = wiki.split( ',' );
if ( key === 0 ) {
color = siteMatrix ].color;
if ( wikis ] === undefined ) {
wikis ] = ;
wikis ].push( wiki );
} );
$.each( wikis, function( project, langs ) {
if ( siteMatrix.sites !== undefined ) {
wikisDescription += '<br>\'\'\'' + siteMatrix.name + ':\'\'\' ';
$.each( langs, function( key, lang ) {
if ( key !== 0 ) {
wikisDescription += ', ';
wikisDescription += '.shortcode + ':' + lang + ':User:' + username + '|' + lang + ']]';
} );
else {
wikisDescription += '<br>.shortcode + ':User:' + username + '|\'\'\'' + siteMatrix.name + '\'\'\']]';
} );
$.each( descriptionInputs , function( key, _ ) {
descriptions.getValue() ] = descriptionInputs.getValue().replace(/(\r\n|\n\r|\r|\n)/g, '<br>' )
} );
$.each( descriptions, function( key, _ ) {
descriptions += '<div class="wwl-projects"><small>' + wikisDescription + '</small></div>';
} );
var geojson = generateGeoJSON( marker.getLatLng().lat.toFixed( 6 ), marker.getLatLng().lng.toFixed( 6 ), descriptions, wikis, color )
if ( userData === undefined ) {
addDataToMap( geojson );
else {
editDataOnMap( geojson );
} );
return $( '<div class="wwl-form">' ).append( wikisFieldset.$element ).append( descriptionsFieldset.$element ).append( saveButton.$element );
function preparePopup() {
popup = L.popup( {
minWidth: 465,
className: ''
} );
popup.setContent( createForm() );
marker = L.marker(, {
icon: L.icon( {
iconUrl: 'https://maps.wikimedia.org/v4/marker/pin-l-building+FFD700.png',
iconSize: ,
iconAnchor: ,
popupAnchor: ,
} )
} ).bindPopup( popup );
map.on( 'click', onMapClick );
function onMapClick( e ) {
lat = e.latlng.lat;
lng = e.latlng.lng;
marker.setLatLng( ).addTo( map ).openPopup();
function addDataToMap( geojson ) {
api.edit( 'Data:Wikimedians.map', function ( revision ) {
var content = JSON.parse( revision.content );
content.data.features.push( geojson );
return {
text: JSON.stringify( content, null, 4 ),
summary: 'Adding ' + username + ' to the map.',
//tag: ''
} )
.then( function () {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-success-add' ) );
} )
.fail( onFail );
function editDataOnMap( geojson ) {
api.edit( 'Data:Wikimedians.map', function ( revision ) {
var content = JSON.parse( revision.content );
$.each( content.data.features, function( key, userContent ) {
if ( userContent.username === username ) {
content.data.features = geojson;
return false;
} );
return {
text: JSON.stringify( content, null, 4 ),
summary: 'Change informations of ' + username + '.',
//tag: ''
} )
.then( function () {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-success-edit' ) );
} )
.fail( onFail );
function removeDataFromMap() {
api.edit( 'Data:Wikimedians.map', function ( revision ) {
var content = JSON.parse( revision.content );
$.each( content.data.features, function( key, userContent ) {
if ( userContent.username === username ) {
content.data.features.splice(key, 1);
return false;
} );
return {
text: JSON.stringify( content, null, 4 ),
summary: 'Removing ' + username + ' from the map.',
//tag: ''
} )
.then( function () {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-success-remove' ) );
} )
.fail( onFail );
function onSaved() {
localApi.post( {
action: 'purge',
forcelinkupdate: '1',
titles: mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' )
} ).done( function( data ) {
} );
function onFail() {
mw.notify( mw.msg( 'wwl-notify-error-save' ) );
console.log( 'WhereWikimediansLive: Error while saving datas on commons.' );
console.log( data );
if ( typeof wwlMessages !== 'undefined' ) {
Object.assign( _wwlMessages, wwlMessages );
mw.messages.set( _wwlMessages );
if ( userLanguage !== 'en' && userLanguage in _wwlMessages ) {
mw.messages.set( _wwlMessages );
$( '#wwl-defaulttext' ).hide();
$( '#wwl-gadgettext' ).show();
} );