a {
a:hover {
#content {
font: x-small FreeSans,"FreeSans",Arian UMU;
margin: 0 3.0em 0 10.5em; /* top right bottom left */
/* Transform the user toolbar into a sidebox (by ]) */
#p-personal {
font: x-small FreeSans,"FreeSans",Arian UMU;
font-size: 92%;
/* Make all non-namespace pages have a light blue content area. This is done by setting the background color for all #content areas to light blue and then overriding it for any #content enclosed in a .ns-0 (main namespace). I then do the same for the "tab" background colors. --Lupo */
1. content {
background: #ffffdd; /* a light yellow */
.ns-0 * #content {
background: #fefefc; /* pastel white */
1. mytabs li {
background: #ffffdd;
.ns-0 * #mytabs li {
background: #fefefc;
1. mytabs li a {
background-color: #ffffdd;
.ns-0 * #mytabs li a {
background-color: #fefefc;