/** Config for this script ***/
 var SC_config = {
	name: ']',
	version: 3.0,
	debug: true

/*** Edit summary for using tool ***/
var SC_summary = {
	before: "Copied content from [[:",
	after: "]] with " + SC_config.name + " (version " + SC_config.version + "); see that page's history for attribution.",
	all: ""

/*** Add event-handler to trigger function ***/
mw.loader.using( 'mediawiki.util', function () {
    importScript('User:DannyS712 test/append.js');
    $(document).ready( function () { 
        var link = mw.util.addPortletLink( 'p-cactions', null, 'Second chance', 'ca-SC', 'Second chance'); 
        $( link ).click( function ( event ) {
			if (SC_check_block()) Second_chance();
			else alert("You do not appear to be blocked");
        } );
    } );
} );

/*** Controlling main function ***/
function Second_chance(){
	// Only run on the user's talk page
	if (SC_check_page()) {
		var page = SC_choose_page();
		SC_get_page( page );
	// If not the user's talk page
	else alert("Error: You cannot edit this page, because you are blocked. Please use this script on your own user talk page. If you can't access that page, please see \"Wikipedia:Unblock Ticket Request System\"");

/*** Get the name of the page that will be improved ***/
function SC_choose_page(){
	var page = SC_page_name();
	if (SC_config.debug) console.log( page );
	SC_summary.all = 'Second chance: ' + SC_summary.before + page + SC_summary.after;
	return page;

/*** Make sure that the page is in articlespace ***/
function SC_page_name(){
	var good_page = false;
	page = prompt("Please enter the page name", "Main page");
	while (!good_page){
		if (page.indexOf(":") > -1){
			page = prompt("Please make sure you enter the name of an article, not a page in another namespace", "Main page");
		else good_page = true;
	return page;

/*** Actually instert the page ***/
function SC_get_page( page_name ){
	console.log( page_name );
	var page = {
       action: 'parse',
       page: page_name,
       prop: 'wikitext',
       format: 'json'
    if (SC_config.debug) console.log( page );
    $.get( mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/api.php', page, function( got_page ) {
    	if (SC_config.debug) console.log ( got_page );
    	if (got_page && got_page.parse && got_page.parse.wikitext && got_page.parse.wikitext){
	    	var text = got_page.parse.wikitext;
	    	if (text.length > 50000) alert("Unfortunately, the page you chose was too big. Please try again with a shorter page.");
	    	else if (text.toUpperCase().startsWith("#REDIRECT")) alert("The page you chose is a redirect to another page. Please try again with a page that is not a redirect.");
	    	else if (text.search(/\{\{disambiguation/i) > -1) alert("The page you chose is a disambiguation page. Please try again with a page that is not a disambiguation page.");
	    	else {
		    	if (SC_config.debug) console.log( text );
	    		var full = SC_full_text( text, page_name );
	    		addNewSection( SC_summary.all, 'Second Chance', full );
    	} else {
    		var error = "Error, check the console for details";
    		if (got_page) console.log( got_page );
    		if (got_page && got_page.error && got_page.error.info) error = "Error: " + got_page.error.info;
    		if (got_page && got_page.error) console.log( got_page.error );
    } );

/*** Clean up page
 * Currently removes: stub templates, category declarations, images/files, galleries (along with all content), infoboxes (allows up to 1 level of nested templates), and series templates
 * It also reduced the level of headings by 1 level each. ***/
function SC_edit_text ( text ){
	if (SC_config.debug) console.log( text );
	text = text.replace( /\{\{(\w|-)*stub\}\}/gi, '' );
	text = text.replace( /\\]/gi, '');
	text = text.replace( /\\]/gi, '');
	text = text.replace( /<gallery(.|\n)+<\/gallery>/gi, '');
	text = text.replace( /\{\{infobox((|\n)|\{\{(|\n)+\}\})*\}\}/gi, '');
	text = text.replace( /\{\{()+series\}\}/gi, '');
	text = text.replace( /(={2,})/g, '$1=');
	return text;

/*** Add a "Guide" and "Finishing" section above the copied article ***/
function SC_top_explanation (){
	var comment = SC_top_config();
	var pre = "Thank you for taking advantage of your second chance. The article that you have selected for improvement is pasted below.";
	pre = pre + "\n\n===Guide===\n";
	pre = pre + "Please review the ], as well as the guide to ]. If you have any questions, please ask.\n\n";
	pre = pre + "For a basic introduction to editing articles, see ]. Note, however, that you will be editing here on your talk page, instead of the article itself.\n\n";
	pre = pre + "To request help or ask an questions, add <code><nowiki>{{Help me|your question here ~~" + "~~}}</nowiki></code> to this section.";
	pre = pre + "\n\n===Finishing===\n";
	pre = pre + "Once you have finished improving an article, add <code><nowiki>{{unblock | reason=your reason here ~~" + "~~}}</nowiki></code> to this section, and your work will be reviewed";
	return comment + pre;
/*** Add tracking data about the script used ***/
function SC_top_config(){
	var comment = "<!--Please DON'T EDIT the lines below:\n";
	comment = comment + "This user is testing out a new user script for managing second chances, " + SC_config.name + " (version " + SC_config.version + ").\n";
	comment = comment + "-->]\n\n";
	return comment;

/*** The full text to be added to the page ***/
function SC_full_text( text, page_name ){
	var full = SC_top_explanation();
	full = full + '\n\n==Content of ]==\n\n';
	text = SC_edit_text( text );
	full = full + text;
	return full;

/** Set up before fully running the script - check if the user is actually blocked ***/
function SC_check_block(){
	var SC_user = mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantUserName' );
	if (SC_config.debug) console.log( SC_user );
	var SC_is_blocked = {
		action: "query",
		list: "blocks",
		bkusers: SC_user,
		format: 'json'
	var is_blocked = false;
	var scriptUrl = mw.config.get( 'wgScriptPath' ) + '/api.php';
		url: scriptUrl,
		type: 'get',
		data: SC_is_blocked,
		dataType: 'json',
		async: false,
		success: function(data) {
			if (SC_config.debug) console.log( data );
		    if (data && data.query && data.query.blocks && data.query.blocks) is_blocked=true;
	var is_blocked_text = is_blocked ? "is" : "is not";
	if (SC_config.debug) console.log( "This user " + is_blocked_text + " currently blocked" );
	return is_blocked;

/** Check if the page to be edited is the user's talk page ***/
function SC_check_page (){
	var page_name = mw.config.get( 'wgPageName' );
	var new_name = page_name.replace( /_/g, ' ' );
	var ideal_page = "User talk:" + mw.config.get( 'wgRelevantUserName' );
	if (SC_config.debug) console.log(new_name, ideal_page);
	if ( new_name === ideal_page ) return true;
	return false;