if ( ( mw.config.get('wgAction') == "submit" || mw.config.get('wgAction') == "edit" ) && mw.config.get('wgNamespaceNumber') == 0 ) {
addOnloadHook ( less_edit_clutter_init ) ;
var lec_parse_references = 1 ;
var lec_parent ;
var lec_tb1 ;
var lec_original ;
var lec_tb_top ;
var lec_tb_ill ;
var lec_tb_cat ;
var lec_tb_bt ;
var lec_tb_ref ;
var lec_active ;
var lec_last_edited = null ;
function less_edit_clutter_init () {
lec_active = 1 ;
less_edit_clutter_create_elements () ;
less_edit_clutter_hook_button ( 'wpSave' ) ;
less_edit_clutter_hook_button ( 'wpPreview' ) ;
less_edit_clutter_hook_button ( 'wpDiff' ) ;
less_edit_clutter_parse_main_textbox () ;
if(window.AJAXPreview) AJAXPreview.getTextContent = less_edit_clutter_get_rejoined_text ;
function less_edit_clutter_insert_at_cursor ( field , value ) {
if (document.selection) {
sel = document.selection.createRange();
sel.text = value;
} else if (field.selectionStart || field.selectionStart == '0') {
var startPos = field.selectionStart;
var endPos = field.selectionEnd;
field.value = field.value.substring(0, startPos)+ value+ field.value.substring(endPos, field.value.length);
function less_edit_clutter_hook_button ( id ) {
var b = document.getElementById ( id ) ;
b.onclick = function () { less_edit_clutter_rejoin() ; return true ; } ;
function less_edit_clutter_delete_reference () {
var si = lec_tb_ref.selectedIndex ;
if ( !si || si == null ) return ; // Nothing selected
var text = lec_tb_ref.firstChild.nodeValue ;
text = text.split ( ' : ' ) ;
var value = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' : ' ) ;
text = text.split ( ' | ' ) ;
var refstuff = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' | ' ) ;
var key = '<<REF' + value + '>>' ;
lec_tb_top.value = lec_tb_top.value.split(key).join('') ;
lec_tb1.value = lec_tb1.value.split(key).join('') ;
lec_tb_bt.value = lec_tb_bt.value.split(key).join('') ;
less_edit_clutter_rejoin () ;
less_edit_clutter_parse_main_textbox () ;
return false ;
function less_edit_clutter_insert_new_reference () {
if ( lec_last_edited == null ) return ;
var refstuff = prompt ( "Enter reference name:" , '' ) ;
if ( null == refstuff ) return ; // Cancel
var text = prompt ( "Enter reference contents:" , '' ) ;
if ( null == text ) return ; // Cancel
var max = lec_tb_ref.length + 2 ;
less_edit_clutter_insert_at_cursor ( lec_last_edited , '<<REF' + max + '>>' ) ;
text = max + ' : ' + refstuff + ' | ' + text ;
var opt = document.createElement ( 'option' ) ;
opt.value = max-1 ;
opt.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( text ) ) ;
lec_tb_ref.appendChild ( opt ) ;
less_edit_clutter_rejoin () ;
less_edit_clutter_parse_main_textbox () ;
return false ;
function less_edit_clutter_mark_text_range ( ctrl , from , to ) {
if(ctrl.setSelectionRange) {
ctrl.setSelectionRange ( from , to ) ;
else if (ctrl.createTextRange) {
var range = ctrl.createTextRange();
range.collapse ( true ) ;
range.moveEnd ( 'character', from ) ;
range.moveStart ( 'character', to ) ;
function less_edit_clutter_tb1_select ( ta ) {
var selection = ta.value.substr(ta.selectionStart, ta.selectionEnd - ta.selectionStart);
if ( ! /^\<*REF\d+\>*$/.test ( selection ) ) return ;
var num = selection.match ( /^\<*REF(\d+)\>*$/ ) ;
num = num.pop() ;
num-- ;
lec_tb_ref.selected = true ;
function less_edit_clutter_find_and_mark ( text , ctrl ) {
var pos = ctrl.value.search ( text ) ;
if ( pos < 0 ) return true ; // Continue search
less_edit_clutter_mark_text_range ( ctrl , pos , pos + text.length ) ;
return false ;
function less_edit_clutter_refsel_changed () {
var si = lec_tb_ref.selectedIndex + 1 ;
var key = '<<REF' + si + '>>' ;
var cont = true ;
if ( cont ) cont = less_edit_clutter_find_and_mark ( key , lec_tb_top ) ;
if ( cont ) cont = less_edit_clutter_find_and_mark ( key , lec_tb1 ) ;
if ( cont ) cont = less_edit_clutter_find_and_mark ( key , lec_tb_bt ) ;
if ( cont ) alert ( "Something's wrong - could not find reference " + key + "! Better reload this edit in the standard edit box!" ) ;
function less_edit_clutter_refsel_double_clicked () {
var si = lec_tb_ref.selectedIndex ;
var text = lec_tb_ref.firstChild.nodeValue ;
text = text.split ( ' : ' ) ;
var value = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' : ' ) ;
text = text.split ( ' | ' ) ;
var refstuff = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' | ' ) ;
refstuff = prompt ( "Enter reference name:" , refstuff ) ;
if ( null == refstuff ) return ; // Cancel
text = prompt ( "Enter reference contents:" , text ) ;
if ( null == text ) return ; // Cancel
lec_tb_ref.firstChild.nodeValue = value + ' : ' + refstuff + ' | ' + text ;
function less_edit_clutter_get_rejoined_text () {
if ( lec_active != 1 ) return '' ;
v = lec_tb_top.value ;
v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( v != '' ) v += "\n" ;
v += lec_tb1.value ;
v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( v != '' ) v += "\n\n" ;
v += lec_tb_bt.value ;
v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( v != '' ) v += "\n\n" ;
// Categories
n = lec_tb_cat.value.split ( "\n" ) ;
n = n.sort() ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n.length ; i++ ) {
s = n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( s == '' ) continue ;
v += '[[Category:' +
s + "]]\n" ;
v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( v != '' ) v += "\n\n" ;
// Interlanguage links
n = lec_tb_ill.value.split ( "\n" ) ;
n = n.sort() ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < n.length ; i++ ) {
s = n.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( s == '' ) continue ;
v += ']\n" ;
v = v.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( lec_parse_references ) {
for ( var n = lec_tb_ref.firstChild ; n ; n = n.nextSibling ) {
var text = n.firstChild.nodeValue ;
text = text.split ( ' : ' ) ;
var value = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' : ' ) ;
text = text.split ( ' | ' ) ;
var refstuff = text.shift() ;
text = text.join ( ' | ' ) ;
if ( refstuff != '' ) {
var r = refstuff.match ( /^(.*)::(.*)$/ ) ;
if ( r == null ) {
refstuff = ' name="' + refstuff + '"' ;
} else {
var gn = r.pop() ;
var rn = r.pop() ;
refstuff = '' ;
if ( gn != '' ) refstuff += ' group="' + gn + '"' ;
if ( rn != '' ) refstuff += ' name="' + rn + '"' ;
text = '<ref' + refstuff + '>' + text + '</ref>' ;
var key = '<<REF' + value + '>>' ;
v = v.split(key).join(text) ;
return v ;
function less_edit_clutter_rejoin () {
if ( lec_active != 1 ) return ;
lec_tb1.value = less_edit_clutter_get_rejoined_text() ;
function less_edit_clutter_create_elements () {
lec_tb1 = document.getElementById ( 'wpTextbox1' ) ;
lec_parent = lec_tb1.parentNode ;
lec_tb_top = document.createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
lec_tb_top.id = 'lec_tb_top' ;
lec_tb_top.name = 'lec_tb_top' ;
lec_tb_top.cols = 80 ;
lec_tb_top.rows = 5 ;
lec_tb_ill = document.createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
lec_tb_ill.id = 'lec_tb_ill' ;
lec_tb_ill.name = 'lec_tb_ill' ;
lec_tb_ill.cols = 30 ;
lec_tb_ill.rows = 5 ;
lec_tb_cat = document.createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
lec_tb_cat.id = 'lec_tb_cat' ;
lec_tb_cat.name = 'lec_tb_cat' ;
lec_tb_cat.cols = 30 ;
lec_tb_cat.rows = 5 ;
lec_tb_bt = document.createElement ( 'textarea' ) ;
lec_tb_bt.id = 'lec_tb_bt' ;
lec_tb_bt.name = 'lec_tb_bt' ;
lec_tb_bt.cols = 30 ;
lec_tb_bt.rows = 5 ;
lec_bottom_table = document.createElement ( 'table' ) ;
lec_bottom_tbody = document.createElement ( 'tbody' ) ;
lec_bottom_tr = document.createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
lec_bottom_tr2 = document.createElement ( 'tr' ) ;
lec_bottom_td1 = document.createElement ( 'td' ) ;
lec_bottom_td2 = document.createElement ( 'td' ) ;
lec_bottom_td3 = document.createElement ( 'td' ) ;
lec_bottom_td1.style.width = '40%' ;
lec_bottom_td2.style.width = '30%' ;
lec_bottom_td3.style.width = '30%' ;
lec_bottom_td1.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'End templates and magic words' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td1.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'br' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td1.appendChild ( lec_tb_bt ) ;
lec_bottom_td2.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'Categories' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td2.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'br' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td2.appendChild ( lec_tb_cat ) ;
lec_bottom_td3.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'Interlanguage links' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td3.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'br' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td3.appendChild ( lec_tb_ill ) ;
if ( lec_parse_references ) {
lec_tb1.onselect = function () { less_edit_clutter_tb1_select ( lec_tb1 ) ; } ;
lec_tb_top.onselect = function () { less_edit_clutter_tb1_select ( lec_tb_top ) ; } ;
lec_tb_bt.onselect = function () { less_edit_clutter_tb1_select ( lec_tb_bt ) ; } ;
lec_tb1.onfocus = function () { lec_last_edited = lec_tb1 ; } ;
lec_tb_top.onfocus = function () { lec_last_edited = lec_tb_top ; } ;
lec_tb_bt.onfocus = function () { lec_last_edited = lec_tb_bt ; } ;
lec_tb_ref = document.createElement ( 'select' ) ;
lec_tb_ref.id = 'lec_tb_ref' ;
lec_tb_ref.name = 'lec_tb_ref' ;
lec_tb_ref.size = 5 ;
lec_tb_ref.style.width = '100%' ;
lec_tb_ref.onchange = less_edit_clutter_refsel_changed ;
lec_tb_ref.ondblclick = less_edit_clutter_refsel_double_clicked ;
var a_new_reference = document.createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a_new_reference.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'insert new reference' ) ) ;
a_new_reference.href = '#' ;
a_new_reference.onclick = less_edit_clutter_insert_new_reference ;
var a_delete_reference = document.createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a_delete_reference.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'delete reference' ) ) ;
a_delete_reference.href = '#' ;
a_delete_reference.onclick = less_edit_clutter_delete_reference ;
lec_bottom_td4 = document.createElement ( 'td' ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'References (' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( a_new_reference ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( ' | ' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( a_delete_reference ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( ')' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'br' ) ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.appendChild ( lec_tb_ref ) ;
lec_bottom_td4.colSpan = '3' ;
lec_bottom_tr2.appendChild ( lec_bottom_td4 ) ;
lec_bottom_tbody.appendChild ( lec_bottom_tr2 ) ;
lec_bottom_tr.appendChild ( lec_bottom_td1 ) ;
lec_bottom_tr.appendChild ( lec_bottom_td2 ) ;
lec_bottom_tr.appendChild ( lec_bottom_td3 ) ;
lec_bottom_tbody.appendChild ( lec_bottom_tr ) ;
lec_bottom_table.appendChild ( lec_bottom_tbody ) ;
var a = document.createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a.href = '#' ;
a.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "reload in standard edit box" ) ) ;
a.onclick = function () {
u = document.getElementById('lec_div_top') ;
u.parentNode.removeChild ( u ) ;
u = document.getElementById('lec_div_bottom') ;
u.parentNode.removeChild ( u ) ;
lec_tb1.value = lec_original ;
lec_active = 0 ;
return false ;
var b = document.createElement ( 'a' ) ;
b.href = '#' ;
b.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "redo for current contents" ) ) ;
b.onclick = function () {
less_edit_clutter_rejoin () ;
less_edit_clutter_parse_main_textbox () ;
return false ;
var top = document.createElement ( 'div' ) ;
top.id = 'lec_div_top' ;
var adiv = document.createElement ( 'div' ) ;
adiv.style.display = 'block' ;
adiv.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "Main text (" ) ) ;
adiv.appendChild ( a ) ;
adiv.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( " | " ) ) ;
adiv.appendChild ( b ) ;
adiv.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( ")" ) ) ;
top.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( "Header templates and images" ) ) ;
top.appendChild ( lec_tb_top ) ;
top.appendChild ( adiv ) ;
var bottom = document.createElement ( 'div' ) ;
bottom.id = 'lec_div_bottom' ;
bottom.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'Elements at the end' ) ) ;
bottom.appendChild ( lec_bottom_table ) ;
lec_parent.insertBefore ( bottom , lec_tb1.nextSibling ) ;
lec_parent.insertBefore ( top , lec_tb1 ) ;
lec_bottom_table.id = 'lec_tb_bottom' ;
lec_bottom_table.style.width = '100%' ;
lec_bottom_table.style.cellSpacing = '2' ;
lec_bottom_table.style.cellPadding = '2' ;
less_edit_clutter_append_show_hide ( 'lec_tb_top' ) ;
less_edit_clutter_append_show_hide ( 'lec_tb_bottom' ) ;
function less_edit_clutter_toggle_show_hide ( id , a ) {
var x = document.getElementById ( id ) ;
if ( x.style.display == 'none' ) {
x.style.display = '' ;
while ( a.firstChild ) a.removeChild ( a.firstChild ) ;
a.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'hide' ) ) ;
} else {
x.style.display = 'none' ;
while ( a.firstChild ) a.removeChild ( a.firstChild ) ;
a.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'show' ) ) ;
function less_edit_clutter_append_show_hide ( id ) {
var x = document.getElementById ( id ) ;
var n = document.createElement ( 'span' ) ;
var a = document.createElement ( 'a' ) ;
a.href = '#' ;
a.onclick = function () { less_edit_clutter_toggle_show_hide ( id , this ) ; return false ; }
a.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( 'hide' ) ) ;
n.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( ' (' ) ) ;
n.appendChild ( a ) ;
n.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( ')' ) ) ;
n.appendChild ( document.createElement ( 'br' ) ) ;
x.parentNode.insertBefore ( n , x ) ;
// x.style.display = 'none' ;
function less_edit_clutter_parse_main_textbox () {
lec_original = lec_tb1.value ;
var lines = lec_original.split("\n") ;
var in_template = 0 ;
var begin_templates = "" ;
// References
if ( lec_parse_references && /\<\<REF\d+\>\>/.test ( lec_original ) ) lec_parse_references = 0 ; // Already contains pattern, aborting
if ( lec_parse_references ) {
cnt = 1 ;
v = lec_original ;
v = v.split ( /\<ref/ig ) ;
o = v.shift () ;
refs = new Array () ;
while ( lec_tb_ref.firstChild ) lec_tb_ref.removeChild ( lec_tb_ref.firstChild ) ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < v.length ; i++ ) {
if ( v.substr(0,1) != ' ' && v.substr(0,1) != '>' ) { // Something that is not a reference tag
o += '<ref' + v ;
continue ;
n = v.split ( '>' ) ;
if ( n.length < 2 ) { o += '<ref' + v ; continue ; }
var attrs = n.shift() ;
var name_attr = attrs ;
rs = name_attr.match ( /name=\"(*)\"/ ) ;
if ( rs == null ) rs = name_attr.match ( /name=\'(*)\'/ ) ;
if ( rs == null ) rs = name_attr.match ( /name=(*)/ ) ;
name_attr = rs ;
if ( null == name_attr ) name_attr = '' ;
else name_attr = name_attr.pop() ;
var group_attr = attrs ;
rs = group_attr.match ( /group=\"(*)\"/ ) ;
if ( rs == null ) rs = group_attr.match ( /group=\'(*)\'/ ) ;
if ( rs == null ) rs = group_attr.match ( /group=(*)/ ) ;
group_attr = rs ;
if ( null == group_attr ) group_attr = '' ;
else group_attr = group_attr.pop() ;
refstuff = name_attr ;
if ( group_attr != '' ) refstuff += "::" + group_attr ;
n = n.join ( '>' ) ;
n = n.split ( '</ref>' ) ;
if ( n.length < 2 ) { o += '<ref' + v ; continue ; }
refcontents = n.shift() ;
// if ( n.length > 1 ) { o += '<ref' + v ; continue ; }
n = n.join ( '</ref>' ) ;
o += '<<REF' + cnt + '>>' + n ;
refs.push ( cnt + ' : ' + refstuff + ' | ' + refcontents ) ;
cnt++ ;
for ( i = 0 ; i < refs.length ; i++ ) {
var opt = document.createElement ( 'option' ) ;
opt.value = i ;
opt.appendChild ( document.createTextNode ( refs ) ) ;
lec_tb_ref.appendChild ( opt ) ;
lines = o.split("\n") ;
// Begin of text
var in_table = 0 ;
while ( lines.length > 0 ) {
var no_ws = lines.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
var lc = no_ws.toLowerCase() ;
if ( lc == "" ) {
lines.shift() ;
if ( begin_templates != '' ) begin_templates += "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\{*\}\}$/) ) {
lines.shift() ;
begin_templates = begin_templates + no_ws + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\{*$/) ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
in_template++ ;
} else if ( in_template && lc.match(/^*\}\}\s*$/) ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
in_template-- ;
} else if ( in_template > 0 ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^+$/) || lc.match(/^\s*\<hr\s*\/*\>\s*$/) ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\\]$/) ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\\]$/) ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^:/) ) { // Indented "For other uses..."
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\|/) ) { // Table open
in_table++ ;
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\s*\|\}/) && in_table > 0 ) { // Table close
in_table-- ;
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else if ( in_table > 0 ) {
begin_templates = begin_templates + lines.shift() + "\n" ;
} else break ;
begin_templates = begin_templates.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
var categories = new Array () ;
var languages = new Array () ;
var end_templates = "" ;
// End of text
in_template = 0 ;
end_templates_append = "" ;
while ( lines.length > 0 ) {
var lp = lines.length - 1 ;
var no_ws = lines.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
var lc = no_ws.toLowerCase() ;
if ( lc == "" ) {
lines.pop() ;
if ( end_templates != '' ) end_templates = "\n" + end_templates ;
} else if ( lc.substr ( 0 , 11 ) == "[[category:" ) {
lines.pop() ;
var s = no_ws.substr ( 11 ) ;
s = s.replace ( /\]\]$/ , "" ) ;
categories.push ( s ) ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\\]$/) ) {
lines.pop() ;
var s = no_ws.substr ( 2 ) ;
s = s.replace ( /\]\]$/ , "" ) ;
languages.push ( s ) ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\{defaultsort\s*.*\}\}$/) ) {
end_templates_append += "\n\n" + lines.pop() ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\<!--.*-->$/) ) {
end_templates = lines.pop() + "\n" + end_templates ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\{.*\}\}$/) ) {
end_templates = lines.pop() + "\n" + end_templates ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^*\}\}$/) ) {
end_templates = lines.pop() + "\n" + end_templates ;
in_template++ ;
} else if ( lc.match(/^\{\{*$/) ) {
end_templates = lines.pop() + "\n" + end_templates ;
in_template-- ;
} else if ( in_template > 0 ) {
end_templates = lines.pop() + "\n" + end_templates ;
} else break ;
var oet ;
do {
oet = end_templates ;
end_templates = end_templates.split("\n\n\n").join("\n\n") ;
} while ( end_templates != oet ) ;
end_templates = end_templates.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
end_templates_append = end_templates_append.replace(/^\s+|\s+$/g,"") ;
if ( end_templates != '' && end_templates_append != '' ) end_templates += "\n\n" ;
end_templates += end_templates_append ;
// Set boxes
lec_tb_top.value = begin_templates ;
lec_tb_cat.value = categories.sort().join("\n") ;
lec_tb_ill.value = languages.sort().join("\n") ;
lec_tb_bt.value = end_templates ;
lec_tb1.value = lines.join("\n") ;