/* Difference preloader checker thingy, version
Originally from: http://en.wikipedia.orghttps://wiki95.com/en/User:Splarka/diffpreloader.js
Pre-fetches diff links to see if they're too big. Some diffs are really big!
Styles the link indicating the size (more or less than threshhold bytes of diff table html).
* Currently only works with oldid= parameter present.
** It is feasable to do it with title= parameter or wgArticlePath match, but this would be a lot of work.
* Currently doesn't load in the main namespace on view actions, this is to prevent excessive javascripting.
* Custom user definitions:
* Style (small/big) threshhold: "var diffPreloaderThreshhold = integer" (default 100000).
* Text of sibling link: "var diffPreloaderSibling = string" (default false, uses diff link instead).
* Your own styles: "var diffPreloaderStyle = ".
To do:
* Should there be an auto-go option?
** Using document.location.href ruins browser navigation history in many browsers, meh.
* Should there be an alert option?
* Should there be a "check all" button?
if(!window.diffPreloaderStyle) var diffPreloaderStyle = ;
if(!window.diffPreloaderSibling) var diffPreloaderSibling = false
if(!window.diffPreloaderThreshhold) var diffPreloaderThreshhold = 100000
function diffPreloader() {
var docobj = document.getElementById('bodyContent') || document.getElementById('content') || document.body;
var a = docobj.getElementsByTagName('a');
if(!a) return
var ds = diffPreloaderStyle;
var siblink = diffPreloaderSibling || false;
appendCSS('.diffPreload-new {' + ds + '} .diffPreload-loading {' + ds + '} .diffPreload-small {' + ds + '} .diffPreload-big {' + ds + '} ');
for(var i=a.length-1;i>=0;i--) {
var href = a.getAttribute('href',2);
if(!href) continue
var diffr = /diff\=(next|prev|*)/i;
var oldidr = /oldid\=(\d*)/i;
if(diffr.test(href) && oldidr.test(href)) {
var as;
if(!siblink) {
as = a;
} else {
var small = document.createElement('small');
var sib = document.createElement('a');
as = sib;
small.appendChild(document.createTextNode(' ('));
as.className += ' diffPreload-new';
as.setAttribute('id','diffPreload-' + i);
as.setAttribute('href','javascript:diffPreloaderClick(' + i + ',"' + href.match(diffr) + '","' + href.match(oldidr) + '");');
if(wgAction != 'view'|| wgNamespaceNumber != 0 || queryString('diff')) addOnloadHook(diffPreloader)
function diffPreloaderClick(aid,diff,oldid) {
var a = document.getElementById('diffPreload-' + aid);
var url = wgScriptPath + '/api.php?maxage=86400&smaxage=86400&action=query&requestid=' + aid + '&indexpageids&format=json&callback=diffPreloaderCB&prop=revisions&rvprop=size&revids=' + oldid + '&rvdiffto=' + diff;
function diffPreloaderCB(obj) {
if(obj) alert('Api error in diff preloader: ' + obj + '\n' + obj)
if(!obj || !obj || !obj || !obj) return
var a = document.getElementById('diffPreload-' + obj);
var revs = obj];
if(!revs || revs.length == 0 || !revs || !revs) return
var length = revs.length;
var size = revs || 0;
if(length < diffPreloaderThreshhold) {
var aclass = 'diffPreload-small';
} else {
var aclass = 'diffPreload-big';
function queryString(p) {
var re = RegExp('' + p + '=(*)');
var matches;
if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
try {
return decodeURI(matches);
} catch (e) {
return null;
function insertAfter(nn,ref) {
if(ref.nextSibling) {
} else {