/* Diff non-context zoom script, version 
Originally from: http://en.wikipedia.orghttps://wiki95.com/en/User:Splarka/diffsize.js

* Factors the font size by +/- 20%
* Removes old style element on each instance
** Note: some browsers may experience odd wrapping in the overflow:auto diff cells, a ctrl+/- or window resize should fix the problem.


var diffzoomzoom = 100, diffstyle;
if(queryString('diff')) addOnloadHook(function() {
  mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb','javascript:diffZoom(.8333)','Diff zoom out','t-diffz1','Zoom out (shrink) differences','-');
  mw.util.addPortletLink('p-tb','javascript:diffZoom(1.2)','Diff zoom in','t-diffz1','Zoom in (enlarge) differences','+');

function diffZoom(factor) {
  diffzoomzoom = diffzoomzoom * factor;
  if(diffstyle) diffstyle.parentNode.removeChild(diffstyle)
  diffstyle = appendCSS('td.diff-addedline, td.diff-deletedline { font-size:' + parseInt(diffzoomzoom) + '% !important; }');

function queryString(p) {
  var re = RegExp('' + p + '=(*)');
  var matches;
  if (matches = re.exec(document.location)) {
    try { 
      return decodeURI(matches);
    } catch (e) {
  return null;