// This version has been merged back into the gadget at ].
// This file kept for the history and future enhancements.

	Description: Changes ]-based times and dates, such as those used in signatures, to be relative to local time.
	Documentation: ]
	Link: ]	

	TODO Make lines with more than one timestamp format all timestamps on the line.	


var language;

function commentsInLocalTime()
	// wgCanonicalNamespace = unsafeWindow.wgCanonicalNamespace
		To localize this script, change the terms below, to the RIGHT of the colons,
		to the correct term used in that language.
		For example, in the French language,
		'Today'		: 	'Today',
		would be
		'Today'		: 	'Aujourd’hui',
	language = 
		// relative terms
		'Today'		: 	'Today',
		'Yesterday'	: 	'Yesterday',
		'Tomorrow'	: 	'Tomorrow',
		'last'		: 	'last',
		'this'		: 	'this',
		// days of the week
		'Sunday'	: 	'Sunday',
		'Monday'	: 	'Monday',
		'Tuesday'	: 	'Tuesday',
		'Wednesday'	: 	'Wednesday',
		'Thursday'	: 	'Thursday',
		'Friday'	: 	'Friday',
		'Saturday'	: 	'Saturday',
		// months of the year
		'January'	: 	'January',
		'February'	: 	'February',
		'March'		: 	'March',
		'April'		: 	'April',
		'May'		: 	'May',
		'June'		: 	'June',
		'July'		: 	'July',
		'August'	: 	'August',
		'September'	: 	'September',
		'October'	: 	'October',
		'November'	: 	'November',
		'December'	: 	'December',
		// difference words
		'ago'		: 	'ago',
		'from now'	: 	'from now',
		// date phrases
		'year'		: 	'year',
		'years'		: 	'years',
		'month'		: 	'month',
		'months'	: 	'months',
		'day'		: 	'day',
		'days'		: 	'days'

	if (typeof(LocalComments) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments = {};

	if (typeof(LocalComments.dateDifference) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.dateDifference = true;

	if (typeof(LocalComments.dropDays) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.dropDays = 0;

	if (typeof(LocalComments.dropMonths) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.dropMonths = 0;

	if (typeof(LocalComments.dateFormat) == 'undefined')
		// Deprecated: LocalizeConfig
		if (typeof(LocalizeConfig) != 'undefined' && typeof(LocalizeConfig.dateFormat) != 'undefined' && LocalizeConfig.dateFormat != '')
			LocalComments.dateFormat = LocalizeConfig.dateFormat;
			LocalComments.dateFormat = 'dmy';

	if (typeof(LocalComments.dayOfWeek) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.dayOfWeek = true;

	if (typeof(LocalComments.timeFirst) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.timeFirst = true;

	if (typeof(LocalComments.twentyFourHours) == 'undefined')
		LocalComments.twentyFourHours = false;
		End Settings

	if (wgCanonicalNamespace == '' || wgCanonicalNamespace == 'MediaWiki' || wgCanonicalNamespace == 'Special' || wgAction == 'history')
		return false;

	replace_text(document.getElementById((wgAction == 'edit' || wgAction == 'submit') ? 'wikiPreview' : 'bodyContent'), /(\d\d):(\d\d), (\d{1,2}) (+) (\d{4}) \(UTC\)/g, adjust_time);

function add_leading_zero(number)
	if (number < 10)
		number = '0' + number;
	return number;

function adjust_time(original_timestamp, old_hour, old_minute, old_day, old_month, old_year, offset)
	var today = new Date(), yesterday = new Date(), tomorrow = new Date();
	yesterday.setDate(yesterday.getDate() - 1);
	tomorrow.setDate(tomorrow.getDate() + 1);

	// set the date entered
	var time = new Date();
	time.setUTCFullYear(old_year, convert_month_to_number(old_month), old_day);

	// determine the time offset
	var utc_offset = -1 * time.getTimezoneOffset() / 60;
	if (utc_offset >= 0)
		utc_offset = '+' + utc_offset;
		utc_offset = '−' + Math.abs(utc_offset);

	// set the date bits to output
	var year = time.getFullYear();
	var month = add_leading_zero(time.getMonth() + 1);
	var day = time.getDate();
	var hour = parseInt(time.getHours());
	var minute = add_leading_zero(time.getMinutes());

	// output am or pm depending on the date
	var ampm = '';
	if (LocalComments.twentyFourHours)
		hour = add_leading_zero(hour);
		ampm = ' am';
		if (hour > 11) ampm = ' pm';
		if (hour > 12) hour -= 12;
		if (hour == '00') hour = 12;

	// return 'today' or 'yesterday' if that is the case
	if (year == today.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(today.getMonth() + 1) && day == today.getDate())
		var date = language;
	else if (year == yesterday.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(yesterday.getMonth() + 1) && day == yesterday.getDate())
		var date = language;
	else if (year == tomorrow.getFullYear() && month == add_leading_zero(tomorrow.getMonth() + 1) && day == tomorrow.getDate())
		var date = language;
		// calculate day of week
		var day_names = new Array(language, language, language, language, language, language, language);
		var day_of_the_week = day_names;

		var descriptive_difference = '';
		var last = '';

		if (LocalComments.dateDifference)
			// calculate time difference from today

			var milliseconds_ago = today.getTime() - time.getTime();
			var days_ago = Math.abs(Math.round(milliseconds_ago / 1000 / 60 / 60 / 24));

			var difference_word = '', last = '';
			if (today.valueOf() >= time.valueOf())
				difference_word = language;
				if (days_ago <= 7)
					last = language + ' ';
				difference_word = language;
				if (days_ago <= 7)
					last = language + ' ';

			// This method of computing the years & months is not exact.
			// However, it's better than the previous method that used
			// 1 January + delta days. That was usually quite off because
			// it mapped the second delta month to February, which has only 28 days.
			// This method is usually not more than one day off.

			var months_ago = Math.floor(days_ago / 365 * 12);		// close enough
			var total_months_ago = months_ago;
			var years_ago = Math.floor(months_ago / 12);

			if (months_ago < LocalComments.dropMonths)
				years_ago = 0;
			else if (LocalComments.dropMonths > 0)
				months_ago = 0;
				months_ago = months_ago - years_ago * 12;

			if (days_ago < LocalComments.dropDays)
				months_ago = 0;
				years_ago = 0;
			else if (LocalComments.dropDays > 0)
				days_ago = 0;
				days_ago = days_ago - Math.floor(total_months_ago * 365 / 12);

			var descriptive_parts = ;

			if (years_ago > 0)
				var fmt_years = years_ago + ' ' + pluralize(language, years_ago, language);
			if (months_ago > 0)
				var fmt_months = months_ago + ' ' + pluralize(language, months_ago, language);
			if (days_ago > 0)
				var fmt_days = days_ago + ' ' + pluralize(language, days_ago, language);

			descriptive_difference = ' (' + descriptive_parts.join(', ') + ' ' + difference_word + ')';

		// format the date according to user preferences
		var formatted_date = '', month_name = convert_number_to_month(time.getMonth());

		switch (LocalComments.dateFormat.toLowerCase())
			case 'dmy':
				formatted_date = day + ' ' + month_name + ' ' + year;
			case 'mdy':
				formatted_date = month_name + ' ' + day + ', ' + year;
				formatted_date = year + '-' + month + '-' + add_leading_zero(day);

		var formatted_day_of_the_week = '';
		if (LocalComments.dayOfWeek)
			formatted_day_of_the_week = ', ' + last + day_of_the_week;

		var date = formatted_date + formatted_day_of_the_week + descriptive_difference;

	var time = hour + ':' + minute + ampm;

	if (LocalComments.timeFirst)
		var return_date = time + ', ' + date + ' (UTC' + utc_offset + ')';
		var return_date = date + ', ' + time + ' (UTC' + utc_offset + ')';

	return return_date;

function convert_month_to_number(month)
   var output = new Date(month + ' 1, 2001');
   return output.getMonth();

function convert_number_to_month(number)
	var month = new Array(language, language, language, language, language, language, language, language, language, language, language, language);
	return month;

function pluralize(term, count, plural)
  if (plural == null)
    plural = term + 's';

  return (count == 1 ? term : plural)	

function replace_text(node, search, replace)
	if (node != null && node.nodeType == 3)
		var value = node.nodeValue;
		var matches = value.match(search);

		if (matches != null)
			var node_parent_node = node.parentNode;
			var old_node = node;
			// old_node_list = node.parentNode.childNodes;

			for (match = 0; match < matches.length; match++)
				// Create <span class="localcomments" style="font-size: 95%; white-space: nowrap;" title="MATCHES">MATCHES</span>

				var position;

				if (after_match != null && length != null)
					position = after_match.search(search) + before_match.length + length;
					position = value.search(search);

				var length = matches.toString().length;
				var before_match = value.substring(0, position);
				var after_match = value.substring(position + length);

				var span = document.createElement('span');			
				span.setAttribute('class', 'localcomments');
				span.style.fontSize = '95%';
				span.style.whiteSpace = 'nowrap';
				span.setAttribute('title', matches);
				span.appendChild(document.createTextNode(matches.toString().replace(search, replace)));

				var new_node = document.createDocumentFragment();

				node_parent_node.replaceChild(new_node, old_node);

	else if (node != null)
		var children = , child = node.firstChild;
		while (child)
			children = child;
			child = child.nextSibling;

		for (var child = 0; child < children.length; child++)
			replace_text(children, search, replace);