Psychiatric Times

In the following article we will talk to you about Psychiatric Times, a topic of great relevance today. Psychiatric Times is a topic that has generated considerable debate and has captured the attention of a wide audience. In this article we will explore different aspects related to Psychiatric Times, from its history and evolution to its impact on current society. We will also analyze the various perspectives that exist around Psychiatric Times, as well as its influence on different aspects of daily life. Read on to discover everything you need to know about Psychiatric Times and its importance in today's world.
Psychiatric Times
DisciplineClinical Psychiatry
Edited byRonald W. Pies
Publication details
MJH Life Sciences (United States)
Standard abbreviations
ISO 4Psychiatr. Times
OCLC no.53834993

Psychiatric Times is a medical trade publication written for an audience involved in the profession of psychiatry. It is published monthly by MJH Associates and is distributed to about 50,000 psychiatrists monthly. The download of the journal is free of charge.


The periodical was first published in January 1985 as a 16-page bimonthly publication. It was founded by psychiatrist John L. Schwartz and originally edited by Ronald Pies. The current editor-in-chief is Ronald W. Pies.


  1. ^ Ronald W. Pies, MD
  2. ^ "Psychiatric Clinic".

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