Studienzentrum Weikersheim

Today, we are faced with an extremely relevant topic that has captured the interest of millions of people around the world. Studienzentrum Weikersheim has generated a great debate and has sparked countless opinions and reflections in a variety of contexts and areas. It is a topic that has become a fundamental part of the public conversation, both in the political and cultural spheres. That is why it is essential to delve into this topic, explore its implications and analyze in detail its significance in today's society. In this article, we seek to shed light on Studienzentrum Weikersheim and address different perspectives that allow us to understand its importance and impact on the world in which we live.

Studienzentrum Weikersheim (Weikersheim Think Tank) is a conservative and Christian democratic German political think tank, that was founded in 1979 by Hans Filbinger, Helmut Metzner and others on Schloss Weikersheim in Germany. The Studienzentrum is bringing traditional conservative ideas with positions and people of Neue Rechte (new far-rights).



  • Meinrad Heck: Studienzentrum Weikersheim. Der Club der rechten Denker. In: Stephan Braun, Daniel Hoersch (Hrsg.): Rechte Netzwerke - eine Gefahr. VS Verlag für Sozialwissenschaften, Wiesbaden 2004, S.95-101. ISBN 3-8100-4153-X
  • Wolfram Wette (Hrsg.): Filbinger, eine deutsche Karriere. Klampen-Verlag, Springe 2006, ISBN 3-934920-74-8
  • Ursel Sieber, Charlotte Wiedemann, Jürgen Elsässer: Deutsche Demokraten. Wie rechtsradikal sind CDU und CSU? Werkstatt GmbH 2001, ISBN 3-923478-94-1


  1. ^ "Home".

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