Trujillo State Anthem

Nowadays, Trujillo State Anthem is a topic that is present in the lives of many people. With the rapid advancement of technology and information, Trujillo State Anthem has become a point of interest for many people around the world. From its impact on society to its relevance on a personal level, Trujillo State Anthem has generated a great debate and has sparked the interest of experts in different fields. In this article, we will explore different aspects related to Trujillo State Anthem and analyze its importance today.
Trujillo State Anthem

State anthem of Trujillo, Venezuela
LyricsAntonio Pacheco
MusicEsteban Rasquin

The anthem of the Trujillo State, Venezuela, was written by Antonio Pacheco; the music was composed by Esteban Rasquin.

Lyrics in Spanish Language

¡De Trujillo es tan alta la gloria!
¡De Trujillo es tan alto el honor!
¡Niquitao es el valor en la historia
y Santa Ana en la historia es amor!

¡Oh Trujillo! El perdón de la patria
que las armas los libre llamó:
como un ángel radiante en justicia
en tus campos ilustres brilló.

En tus campos es de Dios el trabajo,
en tus pompas es libre el corcel,
en tus pueblos palpita la vida,
y en tus valles se cuaja la miel.

Con Bolívar y Sucre, los genios
de la procera lucha inmortal
Cruz Carrillo llevó esa Bandera
a remotas regiones triunfales.

See also